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Karen Randall is best known for her work with aquatic plants and planted aquariums. Her articles and photography have been published in multiple languages and publications around the world. She is an international speaker on aquarium subjects. She has served as a judge for both the AGA International Aquascaping Contest and the Aqua Design Amano International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest as well as consulting on several major projects at public aquaria. She is the author of the best selling book on planted aquariums, “Sunken Gardens”

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Karen travels frequently to study aquatic plants in the wild. She has traveled extensively in South and Central America and South East Asia as well as the southern parts of the U.S. In Brazil she has assisted with Project Piaba, a conservation program in the Amazon centered on the aquarium fish trade. She regularly does programs on these topics as well as aquatic gardening for groups ranging from aquarium clubs, school children, garden clubs and church organizations.

More recently, her interests have expanded to include vivariums and terrariums as well as “water” enclosures. Thus, this companion site to “Sunken Gardens”!


All photos on this site were taken by Karen Randall unless otherwise noted.